Friday, November 9, 2007

DKHO goes to Chucktown

Oh my the wheelin' 'n dealin'! Too bad I don't have 1.6 Mil to spend on e-books! Like the
University of Alberta! I've spent almost all of my time going to e-book related discussions and presentations, and I'm coming home with lots of ideas. Be warned, folks.


Anonymous said...

Didn't you get a copy of the plan? You weren't suppose to go to any sessions or mingle with other librarians. Instead, you were suppose to party, shop,, eat, etc. away from the conference!
Get with the program ....

If UOA spends that much money on e-books, what's the rest of its materials budget?

Have a safe ride home --- we'll see you next week.


Anonymous said...

that is a lot of ebooks!!!